Sunday, March 8, 2020

Benefits of Studying Abroad

A resident of New Jersey, Erik Helverson serves as the president and founder of Wheels Club at Gettysburg College. A former solar sales representative, Erik Helverson currently studies German at Montclair State University, where he was also awarded the Anita Magistro Udell Scholarship for language majors.

The Anita Magistro Udell Scholarship consists of a $1,000 yearly award for degree-seeking students at Montclair State University who are in good academic standing. The award focuses on foreign language majors, and helps to fund study abroad programs for students looking to expand their cultural knowledge and experience.

Study abroad programs provide a wide range of cultural, educational, and personal development benefits for students. Students improve their foreign language skills and experience alternative teaching styles. They also gain new perspectives and experience other cultures, while gaining confidence through expanded leadership, communication, and cultural awareness skills.

Students also increase their personal networks and build relationships that can lead to career opportunities and future partnerships. For example, surveys have shown that over 90 percent of employers value transferable skills and flexibility to challenges, both of which are skills that can be acquired by studying abroad.

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